Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Day 1 Jan 4 2012

Here is my before photo on Day 1

weight 184.4
chest 43
waist 36.5
hips 45
L thigh 26.25
R thigh 26
L bicep 12
R Bicep 12.25

All meals ED Friendly and workouts compliant so far so  good!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Jan 3 2012 Day 0

Getting Ready! Went shopping and bought some groceries for the morning. I live in a small town so shopping is hard, so I am going to town tomorrow to complete my shopping and get my supplements since the drugstore only sells zinc oxide and magnesium oxide. I will also take my photo tomorrow and post it here. Very excited to get started. I have done this program before and it really works. Good luck everyone!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Day 13 to 17

Well doing ok, i guess, not much movement weight wise will take my measurements on the weekend. I am trying to get in two workouts a day, but it has been more like once a day. Eating is going good though. Feeling a bit of stress because of work and will likely be away all week next week, but I like being in the filed and there will be a lot of hiking in pretty rough terrain. Congrats to those who are really showing great results good work. My goals are still in sight but it will take a little bit longer to reach them. This challenge has been a great kick start!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Day 12- Friday, July 8, 2011

Had a fantastic run toda, I really pushed myself, and yoga tonight. For breakfast I ate salad and same for lunch not sure what we are going to do for dinner but it will be high in protein. Can't wait for tomorrow to snack on some carbs!!

Day 11 - Thursday, July 7, 2011

Drank a ton of water, went for a wicked 30 min run with my friend in the coulees. Boy it was intense!! Felt awesome. I have always been athletic and I really enjoy exercising. I am just finishing up my group fitness leadership course and just have to present my warm up for step class. Had to work and I got my hair done, which I love, so only got in a melt down and I also did 1 hour of yoga. I actually fasted yesterday until dinner. For dinner we had tacos with salad

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Day 10 - Wednesday, July 6, 2011

I am sure I have lost weight but I am waiting to weigh and measure myself. My clothes are fitting less tight and I certainly have more energy. I have been getting a couple of workouts in, but it is kind of crunch time at work, but that won't last long. I should be all caught up by Friday or Saturday. I am an archaeologist and we are getting ready to go in the field, which requires a lot of preparation as we will be doing a lot of field surveys and shovel testing. But in order for me to get out there, I have to have all my previous permits up to date.

Today drank loads of water, I think I am on my 4 litre right now. Breakfast was simple yogurt with strawberries and banana. Love the summer for the fresh fruit and veggies. Lunch was tuna with salad (NO COTTAGE CHEESE). Dinner tonight is corn on the cob, salad, and BBQ chicken. I found that I am really looking after my self. Tomorrow I am getting my hair done (Good bye grey) and today I gave my self a much deserved pedicure. People are also starting to notice a change in me . . ."looking good Cyn!" . . . Really makes me feel good to hear that!!